His True Colors Chapter 304-306


His True Colors Chapter 304

When Yi Yun Qi left the luxury store, walking in the mall, self into a beautiful scenery, 100% eye-catching rate so that everyone is stopping to watch, women envy, men obsessed.

    A few days ago, a silent figure followed her, hating to kill those men whose eyes stayed on Chi Yiyun.

    For Dong Hao, even one more glance at Qi Yiyun was a blasphemy, but unfortunately killing wasn't able to hide Qi Yiyun's radiance, when she removed all disguises, she was destined to be extraordinary.

    "Miss, a trash, why is it worthy of you."Dong Hao gritted his teeth and said, he knew that the reason why Chi Yi Yun had changed was because of Han Qianqian, but why would a trash like Han Qianqian be worth Chi Yi Yun's time!

    Dong Hao wanted to kill Han Qianqiang more than once, but he knew clearly that if he did, he would never be able to get close to Chi Yi Yun again in his life.

    His heart was in pain, unwilling to let other men see Chi Yi Yun's beauty, but there was nothing he could do about this matter.

    Walking out of the mall, Chi Yi Yun just standing on the roadside caused several car accidents, those drivers were too focused on looking at Chi Yi Yun and caused tailgating incidents, and for a while even traffic was blocked.

    With a smile that left an indelible impression on those men for the rest of their lives, Chi Yi Yun got into her car and sailed away.

    "Dad, I've found someone who can help the Chi family, so give me a little more time."In the car, Chi Yi Yun dialed her father's number and said.

    An old and weak voice from the other end of the phone said, "Yi Yun, you should either stay in China and never come back, or I'm afraid you'll be hurt."

    "Dad, how could I leave you guys behind, don't worry, I can solve this matter."Qi Yiyun said with a firm attitude, although Han Qianli loved Su Yingxia very much and had also let her run into a wall twice in succession, Qi Yiyun did not admit defeat, she always believed that she could make Han Qianli come back to her senses.

    "Hey, Dad can still hold out for more than half a year, let's talk about it later."The person on the other end of the phone sighed, probably knowing Chi Yi Yun's stubborn temper, so she didn't say much.

    "You and Mom be careful, take care of your health, and contact me first if you have anything to say."Qi Yiyun said.

    "Okay, don't worry about me and your mom, we're fine, be careful yourself, don't work too hard, even if dad loses this time, the family background is enough for you to live in China for the rest of your life."

    "Dad, I'm not taking my glasses with me."Chi Yi Yun said.

    There was a long silence on the other end of the phone, Chi Yiyun put on her glasses, he had authorized it because the Chi Yiyun who took them off was too bright, he never wanted Chi Yiyun to get too much attention.

    "Is it because of the one you're talking about him?"

    "Dad, he's worth it."

    The other end of the phone let out a long sigh and said, "You're an adult, you have your own ideas, whatever you do, Dad supports you, but if he hurts you, Dad will never let him go."

    "Okay, okay, you'd better go and care for Mom, hang up, I'll be in touch if anything happens."After saying that, without waiting for the other party to reply, Chi Yi Yun just hung up the phone.

    A certain manor in Mi, Qi Donglin sighed and sighed again and again, he didn't know what was happening in the country, but he knew that Chi Yi Yun's life, I'm afraid it wouldn't be peaceful, and this made him very worried.

    "Why did you start sighing again."Ouyang Fei carried the freshly washed fruit and walked over to Qi Donglin, a woman with a beautiful charm, it wasn't hard to see that she was magnificent in her youth, Chi Yiyun also inherited her good genes that's why she was so beautiful.

    "My daughter has just called me."Qi Donglin said.

    "Did you tell her to tell her not to come back?"Ouyang Fei said.

    Chi Donglin nodded his head and said, "I said that, but it's useless, she said that she has found someone who can help, you also know her temper, what she decided, ten cows can't pull back."

    "Don't you believe in your daughter's vision?If she says it's okay, then it must be okay."Orpheus smiled.

    "But she took off her glasses for this man,"Qi Donglin said.

    Ouyang Fei was stunned at the words, both of them knew very well that Chi Yiyun had once said that unless she met a true love that was not his, otherwise she would never really take off her glasses in her life.

    "Daughter, have you got a man in mind?"Ouyang Fei asked.

    "It looks like it, but in my heart, I have a bad feeling, why don't we go find out who this person is?"Qi Donglin said.

    Ouyang Fei hurriedly shook his head and said, "Meddling in her affairs, you want to be scolded again, I won't help you then."

    Qi Donglin was filled with a bitter smile, he was also sighing precisely because he was taboo about this point.

    Chi Yiyun was strong in her bones, doing things on her own, not letting the two of them help in any way since she was a child, which also caused Chi Yiyun to be very resistant to this matter.

    "Daughter is also old enough to do things on her own, so trust her."Ouyang Fei said.

    Chi Donglin nodded his head and said, "It can only be like this, I hope this brat doesn't disappoint me, if he dares to make Yi Yun sad, I have to kill him."

    Han Giangli, who was somehow making enemies again, was still enjoying the apples that Su Yingxia had peeled for him at this time.

    "Yingxia, when will I be released from the hospital?"Although she was able to enjoy Su Yingxia's meticulous care in the hospital, this wasn't a good place after all, and Han Qianli didn't want to stay longer.

    "I've already asked, it depends on your recovery, and if it's good, it'll be about a week,"Su Yingxia said.

    Han Three Thousand was filled with sadness and said, "It'll be a week even if it's good, won't that be a bit too long?"

    "Do you want to get out of the hospital now?"Su Yingxia stared at Han Giangdao.

    "I feel fine."Han Three Thousand looked at Su Yingxia in a serious manner.

    Su Yingxia intimidatingly raised his fist at Han Three Thousand and said, "I'm warning you, stay honestly, don't think about anything, don't even think about leaving the hospital without my promise."

    Han Three Thousand slumped helplessly and suddenly thought of something, saying, "Where are Yang Chen and Xu Tong?"

    "Yang Chen is injured and is staying in the hospital on Keystone Island, but it's nothing serious, Xu Tong is taking care of it."Su Yingxia said.

    "Give me your phone and I'll call Yang Chen."

    After Su Yingxia dialed Yang Chen's number, she held the phone up to Han Giang's ear and didn't let him do it himself.

    When the call came through, Han Qianqian said, "Yang Chen, are you okay?"

    Although Yang Chen was painfully beaten, it was just some external wounds, so he would be fine with more rest and said, "It's nothing, the doctor said it would be fine with two days rest."

    "Why was Lu Xun able to find the B&B?"Han Qianqian asked.

    Yang Chen knew that this was the purpose of Han Qianli's call, and quickly said, "I know you suspect me, but I can guarantee with my life that it will never be me who betrays you."

    It wasn't Yang Chen, but the B&B was a place that he had found, and it was done in secret, so who else would know about it besides him?

    Man Leung?

    The name flashed in Han Giang's mind, Wen Liang had betrayed him, to say that this matter was also related to him, it wasn't impossible, but in what way did he know where the B&B was?

    Could it be that Wen Liang had already arranged for someone to follow Yang Chen?

    "I believe you, after you rest, hurry back to Cloud City, Yingxia and I still have to choose pictures."Han Giangli said.

    "Okay, I'll sort it out after I get back and call you guys first thing."Yang Chen was relieved, if Han Qianli didn't believe him, it would be hard to explain this clearly.

    Hanging up the phone, Han 3000 tried to keep a calm expression to avoid affecting Su Yingxia, but inwardly, he was already killing him.

    Wen Liang had not only betrayed him, but had also almost harmed Su Yingxia, this person must die.

    Ten days later, Han 3,000 is finally discharged from the hospital, leaving the smell of medicine and disinfecting potions and feeling refreshed.

    Back at the hillside villa, Jiang Lan warmly greeted Han Three Thousand, she was a very realistic person, before because of the square incident, she didn't look good to Han Three Thousand because she was worried about affecting her face among her sisters, but now that the Su Company was growing and those people in Jiang Fu were still bankrupt, she didn't miss bragging about these things in front of her sisters and earned a lot of face again.

    "Three thousand, you should rest at home during this time, let He Ting stew some tonic for you, don't work too hard."Lan Jiang said.

His True Colors Chapter 305

In the face of Jiang Lan's concern, Han Giang knew exactly the reason for it, she would definitely brag about certain things to save face, but some of the things she said went too far, and with Jiang Lan's personality, something would happen sooner or later, so Han Giang had to remind her.

    "Mom, I know you love to save face, but there are some things you can't say, or you'll cause trouble,"Han Three Thousand said.

    After Jiang Lan, who was full of smiles, heard this, her expression instantly froze and even flashed a harsh color, in her position, how could she speak and act under Han Qianli's accusation?

    "Han Qianqian, don't think that just because you've done something you can point fingers at me, don't worry, I didn't say anything, and even if I did, it would be about my daughter and has nothing to do with you."Jiang Lan's face was cold.

    This was exactly what Han Qianqian was worried about, he was also aware that Jiang Lan couldn't take him out to brag, after all, his reputation in Cloud City was that of a wimp, and people wouldn't believe him if he said how powerful he was.

    "I know, that's why I want you to keep a low profile and make a big fuss, now there's no telling how many people in Cloud City want Ying Xia to fall, the more you brag about how powerful Ying Xia is, the more those people will be eager to see Ying Xia suffer."Han Giangli said.

    What Jiang Lan was proud of now was this daughter, bragging capital in front of her sisters, and even more so only Su Yingxia, she enjoyed the envious looks those people threw at her, enjoying the tsking of others, this feeling of superiority was something Jiang Lan had never experienced before, so she was now addicted, asking her not to brag, how could this be possible.

    "Han 3,000, It's not your turn to teach me a lesson yet, I have a sense of what I should do."Lan Jiang said, discontented and went out.

    Han Three Thousand smiled helplessly and bitterly, Su Yingxia didn't know what to do, she knew Jiang Lan's personality well, if she wasn't allowed to brag, it would be worse than killing her.

    "Three thousand, my mother is like that, don't take it personally."Su Yingxia consoled Han 3,000.

    Han Three Thousand said, "I'm just afraid that what she says out loud will cause some people to be displeased and will be unfavorable to you."

    Su Yingxia could feel that Han 3000's starting point was for his own good, and it was something he would always be the first to consider, for over three years, how could Su Yingxia not feel that Han 3000 put herself first.

    "I'll talk to her about this matter, so you can rest at ease,"Su Yingxia said.

    "I've almost recovered, where's the need to rest, but you, you'll have to go back to work tomorrow to get busy, right?"The leisure time would be lingering, but Han Giangli knew that this state of affairs couldn't last forever, Su Yingxia had to manage the company after all, and he had things to do as well.

    "En."Su Yingxia nodded her head, she had become much closer to Han 3000 during this time, and she herself was enjoying it very much, and she was a bit reluctant to suddenly be put to work, but there was no escaping these realities that needed to be faced.

    The next day, after Su Yingxia went to the company, Han Three Thousand went to a place called the Love Home in Cloud City, where some people who were born defective and abandoned since childhood lived, ranging from a few years old to more than ten years old, relying on social assistance to run, Han Three Thousand since she knew about this place, she would occasionally go to visit, giving some strength as well as monetary help as she could.

    These children were particularly introverted, as they knew they were different from ordinary people, so they were especially afraid of contacting strangers, but Han 3,000 was an exception, and whenever Han 3,000 came here, the children would be especially excited, as Brother Thousand, as they called him, wouldn't look at them with tinted glasses like everyone else, and would play with them no matter what the game was.

    "Brother Thousand, where have you been and why did you not come for so long."

    "Thousand brother, we missed you so much, we thought you forgot about us."

    "Brother Thousand, play games with us."

    When Han Thousand Thousand appeared, he immediately became the king of children, and all the children were excitedly gathered around him.

    "Brother Thousand didn't come, are you guys obedient?"Han Giangli smiled and said.

    "Obeyed."The children said in unison.

    "You don't know, they miss you every day, and you're about to surpass me in their hearts."Peng Fang said with a smile, she was the founder of the Loving Home, she was in her forties and looked very old, after all, it was a laborious task to manage these children every day.

    "Sister Peng, I can't possibly compare to you."Han Qianli smiled as he noticed that there seemed to be a hint of sadness between Peng Fang's eyebrows, something should have happened, but now the children were there, so Han Qianli didn't ask.

    "Right, Dong Shan also called me today, she said she'll be here later, you two haven't seen each other for a long time,"Peng Fang said.

    "What a coincidence, does she still come often now?"Dong Shan was a very caring woman, with a sweet and cute type of appearance, who would often come to the Love Home to help out, and was very familiar with Han Marchant, but to elaborate, they had actually met no more than ten times in two so three years.

    "He's talking about a boyfriend now, and occasionally he'll bring his boyfriend here, but the time is a little less,"Peng Fang said.

    Accompanying the children to play, in less than an hour's time, Dong Shan came with a large bag of snacks, and the children around Han Qianqiang saw the situation and clustered around Dong Shan at the first time.

    "You realistic guys, be careful I won't come visit you next time."Han Three Thousand smiled helplessly.

    "Three thousand, you're here too, but it's been a long time since we've met."Dong Shan said to Han 3,000 with a surprised face.

    The man standing beside her was the boyfriend that Peng Fang talked about, Song Ji.

    At the moment, Song Ji looked wary as he felt a slight sense of crisis due to the excessive enthusiasm that Dong Shan showed towards Han Qianli.

    "Yeah, I've been busy for a while, so I've come very rarely,"Han Three Thousand said.

    Dong Shan sighed and said, "Me too, I haven't been here for almost two months, by the way, let me introduce you, this is my boyfriend, Song Ji."

    "I'm Han Three Thousand, hello."Han Three Thousand Thousand introduced herself.

    Han Three Thousand's name was as loud as those first-tier stars in Cloud City, but Song Ji didn't treat him as a celebrity himself, but mistook him for someone with just the same name.

    Looking at Han Three Thousand's hand stretched out in mid-air, Song Ji was indifferent and just said indifferently, "Hello."

    Han Three Thousand also didn't feel embarrassed and casually retracted her hand.

    After Dong Shan distributed the snacks, the children went off to play on their own, and Han Three Thousand said to Dong Shan, "Sister Peng seems to have something on her mind, shall we go ask?"

    "It might have something to do with aid,"Dong Shan said.

    The operation of the Love Home depended on the charitable donations from the community, and if this thing went wrong, the pressure on Peng Fang would be very high.

    When she came to Peng Fang's room, she was resting, and it was only at times like this that she had a chance to steal some free time.

    "Sister Peng, did something happen to the Love Home?"Han Qianqiang asked to Pengfang.

    Peng Fang sighed and said, "Sit down, sit down first."

    Song Ji was the first to sit down and also deliberately placed his phone and car keys on the table, the car keys also revealed the brand logo, it was a Mercedes.

    Han Qianqiang didn't look any different, and her heart was even more turbulent at Song Ji's deliberate showing off.

    Song Ji was waiting to see Han Qianli's surprised expression, but he didn't expect him to react at all.

    Deliberately moved the key, so that everyone's attention was on his action, but unfortunately this display of his is destined to be useless, just now he was outside to take pictures to commemorate the Lamborghini is Han Qianli drove, Han Qianli how could Han Qianli look at a Mercedes Benz in the eyes?

    "What on earth is going on, Penn?"Dong Shan opened her mouth to ask.

    "You all know about the recent happenings in Cloud City, right?"Peng Fang said.

    "Sister Peng, you can't be talking about those companies of the Jianghe Group, if this matter, I have a lot of insider knowledge."Song Ji said proudly.

    Peng Fang nodded her head and continued, "These big companies, in order to be able to maintain a good image in the local area, they would do a lot of charity every year, and the Love Home they would also assist, but these companies suddenly collapsed, and now the Love Home is facing the problem of insufficient funds for operation, just three meals a day are about to be unable to hold on."

His True Colors Chapter 306

These words make Han Jiangxi a little embarrassed, because this matter can be said to be indirectly caused by him, when he wanted to target the Jianghe Group, he did not expect to produce such a chemical reaction, but as long as money can solve the problem, it is not a problem for Han Jiangxi.

    At this time, Han 3,000 noticed Song Ji sneakily put away the Mercedes Benz key, this action to see him laugh inside, this guy show off when painful, but when it comes to money, immediately wimped out, as if afraid to ask him to take money.

    "Sister Peng, the monthly expenses of the Love Home, roughly how much is it?"Han Marchand asked.

    "Just counting food, not counting any other expenses would be close to ten thousand dollars, after all, these kids are still growing up, the food can't be too bad."Peng Fang said.

    "Since it's a special period, it doesn't matter if we let them eat almost, they all have problems anyway, what's the use of growing up physically."Song Ji said indifferently.

    This statement made Peng Fang very dissatisfied, Loving Home didn't accept any colored glasses people to come, but he was Dong Shan's boyfriend again, Peng Fang was not good enough to accuse him directly.

    "Song Ji, what are you talking nonsense about, if you can't speak, shut up."Dong Shan said unhappily.

    Song Ji felt like he was being berated by a woman, a bit humiliated in front of Han Qianqian, in order to shake the family program, said with a serious face, "I'm telling the truth, these children have no possibility of working out of the society in the future, what's the use of giving them mountains of food and seafood, it's not a waste, three meals of green vegetable porridge every day, can eat enough is not enough."

    "Loving Home has hired special teachers, as long as they can learn a certain amount of knowledge, even if they can't integrate into society, they will still have no problem finding a subsistence job for themselves when they reach adulthood."Peng Fang said, the children here had birth defects, but that didn't mean they couldn't live a normal life, and Peng Fang had been working hard for that.

    Song Ji smiled disdainfully and shook his head, saying, "Sister Peng, it's not that I'm discouraging you, you can't even eat, what are you going to hire teachers with, does anyone have the obligation to donate to the Love Home?"

    It was hard to hear, but it was also the naked truth that it was very difficult to hang on if you couldn't find a business willing to help Love Home.

    "Sister Peng, don't worry about the money, I can help."Han Qianqian said.

    Song Ji didn't expect Han Qianqian to say such words, but he had shown off Mercedes Benz and subconsciously thought that he was better than Han Qianqian, how could Han Qianqian do something that he couldn't help with.

    "Do you have money?The food alone costs ten thousand a month, and then hiring teachers, and occasionally having a sickness or something, how much does it cost a month, do you have enough money for a month's salary?"Song Ji said dismissively.

    "I don't have a job, so I don't get paid,"Han Giangli said.

    Song Ji puffed out a laugh, no job, no salary, and he actually dared to boast about helping out, that couldn't be retarded, right?

    "If Dong Shan hadn't mentioned you a few times, I would have thought that you grew up in a loving home."Song Ji scoffed.

    The implicit meaning of this statement was clear to Han Giangli, so wouldn't it just mean that he was sick in the head?

    "For Dong Shan's sake, I'm not bothering with you,"Han Giangli said.

    Song Ji still wanted to say something, but was stopped by Dong Shan, the sarcasm in his words, Dong Shan heard it plainly, but Dong Shan also knew that Han Three Thousand was doing it for the good of the Love Home, as for whether he was capable or not, that was his business, Song Ji was not qualified to speak coldly.

    "Sister Peng, don't worry too much about this, the car will find a way to get to the mountain, there must be a way to solve it."Dong Shan consoled Peng Fang, she didn't say that she could help, after all, this was a big hole, there was no way that one person could fill it.

    Peng Fang nodded her head and said, "Now we can only hope for a miracle, otherwise, I'm afraid the Home of Love won't be able to keep going."

    After saying this, Peng Fang blushed, she had poured too much of her heart and soul into the Loving Home, and on these children as well, if the Loving Home really couldn't be run, these children wouldn't even have a shelter from the rain, and every time she thought of these things, Peng Fang would be heartbroken.

    After saying goodbye to the children, Han Giangli and Dong Shan Song Ji both left the Loving Home together.

    "Where are you going, I'll give you a ride in my car."Song Ji said to Han Three Thousand after proudly unlocking the car and pointing at a Mercedes E.

    "No, I won't bother you two, and I still have to think about the Love Home,"Han Three Thousand said.

    "Haven't blown it enough yet, okay, I won't break you down, do whatever you like, we'll leave first."Song Ji said with a smile.

    They got into the car and drove off.

    Dong Shan said to Song Ji in the car, "You don't have a grudge against him, why are you making things difficult for him in every way."

    "I'm just not used to this kind of bragging guy, look at him, a loser, and he brags that he can solve the Love Home matter, does he have that ability?"Song Ji said disdainfully.

    "Whether he has the ability or not, it's good that he at least has the heart."Dong Shan said.

    "You're still too naive, what's the point of having a heart, isn't he just bragging in front of me to satisfy his own vanity?I've already given you face by not directly breaking him down."Song Ji said.

    Dong Shan sighed, in her heart she actually hoped that Han Qianqian could help, if he couldn't, it was very likely that the Home of Love would really close down.

    "Don't sigh, there's a new western restaurant opening today, it's been very hotly speculated recently, I've already booked a spot, I'll take you to try it out."Song Ji said.

    Han Qianli waited until Song Ji and Dong Shan had left before getting into the Lamborghini, he wouldn't ignore the fact that the Love Home was in such big trouble and that he had caused it, but donating to the Love Home in a private capacity was too high-profile, so he had to do something about it.

    The Su Company would definitely not be a problem, Su Yingxia was also a very caring person, she would definitely be happy to donate, but that wasn't enough, since he had to help, he had to help thoroughly, it would be best to be able to refurbish the Love Home, after all, the place was already fat and old.

    Han 3,000 yuan took out his phone and dialed Tian Ling'er's number.

    "Han 3,000, you're finally willing to call me."Receiving the call, Tian Ling'er's hands trembled with excitement.

    "I remembered that I still owe you a meal, are you free today?"Han Giangli said.

    "Of course you're free, you owe me for so long, you must treat me to a big meal, or I won't let you off the hook."Tian Ling'er said.

    "Fine, you choose, eat whatever you want."Han Giangli said.

    "There's a western restaurant that just opened today, I heard it's amazing, I'm going."Tian Ling'er said.

    "You get ready first, I'll pick you up."After saying that, Han Three Thousand hung up the phone and drove towards the Sky Villa.

    The Lamborghini Han 3000 was a gift from Tian Ling'er, so his car wouldn't be hindered from entering the Tian family home.

    While waiting at the entrance of the villa, Tianchang Sheng himself appeared.

    Han Giangli, who had no intention of getting out of the car, could only open the door and walk off when he saw Tian Changsheng.

    "Disciple, haven't seen you for a long time, looking at you, you're quite energetic again."Han Giangli smiled.

    Since the last tea drinking incident, Tian Changsheng was much more strict with Han Qianli, not daring to take a high position in front of Han Qianli.

    "Master, when did you come back?"Tianchang Sheng said enthusiastically, the events of Cloud City could have happened right under his nose, although there was no surprise to him, but watching these tall buildings of the Jiang Family collapse, Tianchang Sheng still had palpitations, because he knew clearly that not only the Jiang River Group, even if the Tian Family had offended Han Qianqian, it would end like this, and there would be no resistance.

    "Not long back, this isn't a meal owed to Tian Ling'er, so hurry up and make up for it."Han Third Thousand said.

    Tianchang Sheng sighed in his heart, every time he saw Han Qianqian, he would be annoyed why such a person was already married and his love for Su Yingxia was so sincere and firm that Tian Ling'er didn't stand a chance.

    "Master, if you have time, come and sit at home more often, I'll make you some tea."Tianchang Sheng said.

    Han Qianqian waved his hand and said, "No such taste, something like tea isn't suitable for me, and there's no white-knuckle to quench my thirst."

    Tian Changsheng's invitation failed, full of bitter smiles, he meant, of course, more than just letting Han Qianqian come to drink tea, Han Qianqian also understood that, that's why he rejected it so readily.


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