Tech Life Chapter 1089-1090

 Chapter 1089

"Let's take the example just now, so now there is a question, or there are two levels hit, but they don't know the height, and after passing through a with gate, a 1 is output, so what is the information on the two inputs?"

        "By outputting a 1 through a with gate, it would only be two inputs of 1 ah, so this process you can easily launch the answer, so it is reversible."

        "But then why does it say that the with gate is still an irreversible gate?" "Just change it, let's say two inputs are typed in and the output through the with gate is a 0. What is the input? It could all be 0, it could be 1 above and 0 below, or it could be 0 above and 1 below, so it would be found that it can't be determined then it can't be explicitly mapped one-to-one back to the input, and that would be the case that it's irreversible."

        "But not with non-gates, you just tell me the output, whatever it is, I know that the input is the opposite of the output, so with gates are irreversible gates, non-gates are reversible gates."

        "And what is the characteristic of a reversible gate? It's that I output as much as you input, there's no lost information, so there's no heat generated in the computer process."

        "Some students may have to question this and say how can a non-gate not generate heat? How can you pass current without generating heat? Is it possible that I'm taking a fake physics class?"

        A large wave of arts students in the field in the dumbfounded incidentally together with laughter, a lot of people look unsure, while part of the girls simply do not care to listen to understand or not, anyway, is over to see the heart of that idol said.

        "Of course everyone has studied the right physics, but note that what I'm talking about here is that the heat generated by the loss of information in the process of computing is the most significant source of heat generated by the CPU."

        "That's why we find that whenever we use a computer, the CPU gets hotter and hotter when a lot of information transfer is generated, that's why."

        The non-majors, most of the arts students, were suddenly dumbfounded; computers were used by everyone, they were more than familiar with electrical products.

        It was common knowledge that the CPU of a computer would get hot, but why it would get hot and where the reason was was unknown to many, and when Li Linfei said so he now knew.

        "So can you turn an irreversible gate in a classical computer into a reversible gate? There are really people who have given several options in theory, you say for example one is to change the input and output of the logic gate to three, and then for example a logic operation called heterogeneous or operation, and the counterpart of that is the heterogeneous or gate, through which the addition of binary is done."

        "The hetero-or gate and the with gate can form a half adder, and the reversible version of the hetero-or gate is called a controlled non-gate, and a very important quantum logic gate in quantum algorithms is the double quantum bit controlled non-gate, but note one thing, here it is achieved by quantum entanglement now, not by conventional circuits."

        "Then the quantum computer is all quantum now, not transistors, so there's no circuitry."

        "Number four, there has to be an effective solution to the decoherence problem."

        "That is, the quantum coding principle."

        "The last one, it has to be possible to get the answer to the desired information by measuring quantum bits."

        "This hides a so-called efficiency problem, and the famous quantum Hewer algorithm can do this by coherently growing the desired result on the measurement and decoherently eliminating the unwanted result."

        "But the process requires repeated measurements to get it, in other words the more times you measure the more accurate the result, but it is theoretically impossible to give a 100% correct answer, only infinitely close, so is there a better way to arrive at an answer by calculating the quantum bits afterwards?"

        "This is a research direction that our team is majoring on and a big mystery that research institutes or teams in the industry all over the world are trying to unravel."

        "So far, there is no machine in the world that can perfectly meet all five of these criteria at the same time, so the research of quantum computers has a long way to go."

        On stage, towards the end, Li Linfei looked out at the audience and said with a self-effacing smile, "Well, I think today's talk is the biggest failure I've ever given, because a large number of people down there are drowsy from listening."

        At once, the audience was greeted with a burst of laughter, the science and engineering students said they were listening without pressure, and if there were any arts students next to them, they inexplicably felt smug and swelled up a little.

        Li Linfei on the stage continued, "Anyway, I prefer to label myself as a science and technology worker and take pride in it, and this speech today is a popular science speech of sorts, in fact I think that apart from burying our heads in research, it is our duty as a group to popularise science for the general public."

        "Our country just isn't doing a good enough job of popularising science, I've seen some articles about science on the internet and when I pull them up to the comments section the messages I see are cluelessly clicked in and then cluelessly walked away."

        Drawing another burst of laughter, Li Linfei said, "This leads to a very bad phenomenon, science just gives the public the feeling that it has nothing to do with them, so distant and mysterious, that's why there are so many clueless come clueless go comment messages."

        "I think it's bad for fostering scientific interest and hobby among the general public. In fact, science is very simple, science is also very interesting and wonderful, only when you go to understand it, you will find its beauty, it is not mysterious, because you did not go to understand of course mysterious, after understanding is actually so much, science is a truth-seeking process."

        "Overall, it was a popular science-style talk, talking about the world's most cutting-edge and popular superconductivity technology, quantum computers and all that, and due to time constraints we can only talk about that."

        "Superconductivity technology is one of the many technologies of quantum computers one of the big hits, quantum computer research is a long way to go, but if we look at the past historical pattern, to this point in time today should also almost appear a von Neumann, Dirac, such as the great god of genius in science."

        "Open the door for everyone, very much looking forward to the birth of this genius, maybe one of the students here, who knows? You know we have produced many high achievers in the quantum field at FDU, such as Mr. Zhang Shoucheng."

        "But I think it's time for such a new god-like figure to emerge, we'll see."

        Once the lecture was over, the students of FDU were eager to take photos with their favorite god, the scene was particularly hot, and there were even fan girls asking for autographs, to which Li Linfei gladly accepted and signed some.

Chapter 1090

What was more important than the speech for both Li Linfei and the University was a consensus and a donation that followed.

        Li Linfei invested 100 million yuan in Jiangnan University's applied physics research, especially in the field of quantum, while Jiangnan University selected a group of outstanding students in the field of integrated circuits and computers to go to the Future Technology Group for internships.

        Obviously, Li Linfei also attaches great importance to this, talent is very critical, young and excellent talent is the most critical.

        Although Li Linfei is a BUG level character, but he as the head of the Future Technology Group, coupled with the company is now facing a pile of things, energy is limited, he had to divide a large part of his energy to deal with the company's things, for technology development is bound to postpone progress, and other outstanding talent is critical, so to create a research assistant team.

        It is worth mentioning that Li Linfei informed the friends of the Semiconductor Industry Alliance, which had just recently achieved, and approached them for people, such as scratching for IC design, which HIS is good at, and they engage in mathematical logic, and it goes without saying that there are scientific talents in this area.

        Although the robots of the First Research Institute will do it, but can not rely on them completely, these people are concentrated in the core research laboratory on the periphery of the First Research Institute.

        Li Linfei approached HiSi for people, and also approached ZiGuang and Huaxin International, the semiconductor companies, for top R&D personnel. Since everyone formed a team, Li Linfei was clear that resource allocation should be integrated and pooled together for rational use.

        At first everyone was still reluctant, after all, you Future Technology took away the top group of talents under our company, you formed a research team then how can our research still be done?

        But in the end they all agreed, because Li Linfei's reasoning made it impossible for them to refute, your people will eventually have to go back to your company, and now your research backbone to my Future Technology, is also able to learn a lot of technology, semiconductor business is a joint venture, you know part of my patented technology, I also know part of your patented technology, this is the best mutual binding. At the same time, it is also a manifestation of goodwill.

        The watermelon has been cut into eight pieces, and everyone has got the piece they want, and this can undoubtedly better consolidate and maintain this nascent semiconductor industry alliance system.

        With this semiconductor alliance, then the cause of how to engage in the system members can not be separate, although each enterprise has great autonomy, but the major decisions and even affect the interests of the entire semiconductor industry alliance, then we must sit down together to discuss, discuss good.

        Nominally we are all equals, but obviously, Li Linfei and the future technology group is everyone's default ally, because the future technology group mastered the end consumer, PHC and even the future PHM (personal holographic mobile device), more mastered many advanced core technology.


        The news of Li Linfei's appearance at Jiangda University to give a speech also spread, and the news media immediately made a big fuss about it.

        The topic of quantum computers was successfully fired up, semiconductor chips have always been the heartache of China's high-end industrial manufacturing, this time the country made such a big show, although many people are not optimistic, but the majority of netizens basically expressed support, more hope that Li Linfei can create a miracle, just like before.

        It seems that the domestic semiconductor does need a hero to make an appearance and kill a blood road.


        Old America, California.

        A spacious high-spec conference room, Qualcomm, Intel, Texas Instruments and other U.S. semiconductor giants this time incomparably rare in the urgent moment gathered together, because they really feel the pressure and threat.

        The old United States and Europeans are not the same, Europe is more like a fallen aristocrats, do things rip mouth rip half a day, grind, while the old United States is not with you bleep, as long as the threat is found feel threatened, immediately act, and then strike.

        "From his speech, it seems that he is going to work on quantum superconducting chips? In other words is ready to die in the field of high-end chips?"

        "If high-end integrated circuits were that easy, why wait until now?"

        "The Future Technology Group's holographic technology, we still feel helpless about getting out of the lab, but the Chinese did it, and this time the Chinese semiconductor companies are hugging each other like never before, or that young Chinese is leading the way, and you still don't feel threatened?"

        "Well, being able to sit together isn't about mocking each other, the question now is what to do about it? How can we stop or snuff out that damn CSAC Semiconductor Alliance club?"

        The bigwigs in the room were all about you and me, although there were some disagreements, such as the heads of Intel and Nvidia looking down on the head of SuperPower Technology, also present, aka AMD.

        Bob Swan, in particular, didn't even want to talk to the AMD boss as an equal. In Bob's eyes, AMD is a piece of crap that was made to exist so that Intel wouldn't suffer a monopoly spin-off.

        Science for pigs! And AMD is just furious, knowing of course that Intel and Nvidia are scientifically piggybacking on him.

        But now the heart is also particularly happy, because Intel this time lost a large wave of customers led by the Future Technology Group, the loss of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars in profits, no wonder Bob Swan bad temper, Intel's shareholders are probably dripping blood in the heart of the bar.

        What was good with Future Technology before is now something to worry about in turn.

        What has to be said is that the market value of Intel and Nvidia has fallen wildly in the last two weeks, spitting out all that they ate not to mention that this recent semiconductor club alliance coming from the Chinese side has further hit the share price hard.

        But although there is a little internal friction, but we all hate the same explosive head, we were doing a good business, thriving, you mess with his international water services is not the end? At least there is still a reason to stand.

        The result is that you want to beat people to death, even if we semiconductor companies are not in such a hurry.

        Now we can't stand up to each other, we're in a dilemma.

        "The emergence of the CSAC alliance must be acknowledged, the Future Technology Group, that young man is very appealing, I do not know how he was able to convince almost the entire Chinese semiconductor industry representing 76 major IC manufacturers at the helm in such a short period of time, but clearly this is not good, want to break up this alliance, need to pay quite a price. " Bob Swan lamented.