Amazing Son-in-law 3212 Charlie

For Zara, although she had a lot of criticisms about her father's practices, but after all, her blood kinship was here, so after learning that the situation in Syria was critical, she was most worried about her father's safety.

        When Charlie wade heard this, he couldn't help but ask with some curiosity, "Where did you hear that the Ten Thousand Dragons Temple was going to set up a mercenary base?"

        Zara said, "I called grandpa just now, originally I wanted to ask him in a sideways way how much he knew about Syria and the Ten Thousand Dragons Temple, after all it was the first time I had heard of the words Ten Thousand Dragons Temple, and he was the one who told me this."

        Charlie wade was surprised and asked, "Does Lord Banks have any other connection with the Ten Thousand Dragons Temple?"

        "I'm not sure about that." Zara said, "I've never heard him talk about the Ten Thousand Dragons Hall before, but just now on the phone, he seemed to be a little hyper about the Ten Thousand Dragons Hall and was quite emotional."

        "Strange." Charlie wade frowned, "The Ten Thousand Dragon Temple has been developing in war-torn areas, and the country has always been peaceful, so ordinary people really don't have much chance to hear of them, how does Lord Banks know so much, even what the cooperation between the Ten Thousand Dragon Temple and the Syrian side is about?"

        Zara said, "Perhaps he has some rather well-informed channels."

        Charlie wade nodded and did not continue to dwell on this issue on the surface, but he felt in his heart that Lord Banks and the Ten Thousand Dragons Temple must have some kind of connection, so he also reminded himself in his heart that he must be careful and on guard.

        Afterwards, Charlie wade said to Zara, "As far as I know, your father is still relatively safe at the moment, even if the Ten Thousand Dragons Hall wanted to take Hamid, they would have to prepare for at least half a year or more, while being prepared to sacrifice tens of thousands of people, not to mention that they are only surrounding Hamid but not fighting it right now, so you don't have to worry too much just yet."

        Zara said with a pleading face, "Your Grace, please let my father come back, although he has done many things wrong, but after all, his crime is not to death, even if you get him back to Aurous Hill and put him under house arrest in Buckingham Palace(Shangri la)"

        Charlie wade refused without hesitation, "Impossible. In my eyes, Zayne is not guilty to death, just because he organized the Anti-Wade Alliance, I can kill him as a matter of course.

        Zara said with red eyes, "My father has indeed done a lot of wrong and needs to pay for his faults, but that place in Syria is just too dangerous, the news said that the number of people killed and injured in a battle there is several thousand, I'm afraid that he won't be able to wait until I become the head of the Banks family before something bad happens to him"

        Charlie wade looked at Zara and said with a serious expression, "Everyone has to take risks and pay the price for what they have done. I sent your father to Syria as my punishment for him, and if he encounters any uncontrollable natural or man-made disasters in the process of receiving this punishment, then it can only be said that he has a bad fate himself."

        Zara wanted to continue to fight with Charlie wade, but she hesitated for a moment and gave up. She looked at Charlie wade and asked, "Your Excellency, you said that you would let my father go to your parents' graves to apologise at Qingming, and that you would let him sign the divorce agreement with my mother at that time, but now that Hamid's base has been heavily surrounded by the Ten Thousand Dragons Temple, and the people of the Ten Thousand Dragons Temple hate to kill them all, under such circumstances, Can my father still get out?"

        "Yes." Charlie wade said indifferently, "If the Ten Thousand Dragons Hall does not stop surrounding Hamid, then I will personally go to Syria and bring him back."

        When Zara heard this, her beautiful eyes instantly lit up, as if she had seen hope.

        She was about to say something when Charlie wade added at this time, "But I will send him back after it is over."

        "You," Zara couldn't help but complain, "Your Grace, if you have decided to go to Syria yourself to bring him back, why are you risking sending him back? Aren't you afraid of the danger yourself?"

        Charlie wade said with a cold expression, "There are dangers everywhere, but I won't change my principles because I'm worried about the dangers! "