Amazing Son-in-law 2988 Charlie

  Ever since she left Aurous Hill, as soon as she heard the word "Aurous Hill", she immediately felt a shiver run down her spine.

She had always thought of Aurous Hill as the Waterloo of her life, and it was probably a Waterloo that she would never be able to turn around again in her life, and there had been a black hole like a shadow in her psyche for a long time.

Zhong Clint heard that Christine's voice was a little unnatural and hurriedly asked after her, "Christine, what's wrong with Aurous Hill? Is there something wrong?"

Subconsciously, Christine asked, "Did you just say that Tianyu was kidnapped and sent to Buckingham(Shangri la) Palace?"

"Yes!" Zhong Clint hurriedly said, "The news that came back did say that the person was taken to Buckingham(Shangri la) Palace, I don't know if this matter has anything to do with the wade family, but isn't Buckingham Palace(Shangri la) a wholly owned property of your wade family? So I thought I'd ask you to help inquire about it and see what's going on ......"

When Christine heard this, she almost immediately concluded that the matter of Zhong Tianyu being kidnapped must have something to do with Charlie wade.

Otherwise, with Cameron's status, he himself would never have dared to lay a hand on Zhong Tianyu.

Thinking of this, she could not help but ask Zhong Clint: "Did Tianyu offend someone?"

"Offend someone?" Zhong Clint said awkwardly, "This kid is always offending people, all day long, his mouth is unstoppable, but he still has a sense of proportion in his heart, if he really can't afford to mess with people, he definitely won't dare to mess with them."

I'm afraid that he might have gotten into trouble with the kind of young man who doesn't care about anything, in case the other party gets angry and doesn't care about his identity or the background of the Zhong family, but simply wants to fix him, that would be bad."

Then, Zhong Clint said in a somewhat pleading tone, "Christine, why don't you take the trouble to call the person in charge of your wade family in Aurous Hill and ask about it?"

Christine hesitated for a moment and said with some uncertainty, "OK ...... then I'll first inquire about what exactly the situation is."

"Good!" Zhong Clint breathed a sigh of relief and busily said, "Right Christine, don't you like jadeite, I asked someone to buy an imperial green bracelet from a Burmese person, it has been sent to Eastcliff, see when you have time, come to my house to try it out?"

Christine was immediately a little pleased and asked with a deliberate smile, "So did you intend to let me try the bracelet, or did you want to trick me into coming to your house?"