Amazing Son-in-law 2517-2518 (Charlie wade)

  Chapter 2517

When he received Lord Banks's call, Zayne felt that it was both within reason and outside reason.

        He hurriedly reassured his son a couple of times before hanging up and turning to Lord Banks's call, impatient to find out what Lord Banks's intentions were.

        As soon as the call came through, Zayne said somewhat nervously, "Dad ...... You ...... Why are you calling me so late?"

       Lord Banks sighed at the other end of the phone and spoke, "Ai, Zayne, Dad called here to apologize to you."

        With that, he asked, "You must have seen the video circulating on the internet, right?"

       Zayne said truthfully, "Yes dad, I have indeed seen it."

        As soon as the words left his mouth, Zayne hurriedly added, "Dad, I know that you must have some opinions about Deana, but I believe that you will definitely not have any bad intentions towards Zara, James and that John Garet, they must have been coerced by someone, that's why they are talking nonsense in the video and throwing dirty water on you!"

        These words of Zayne instantly moved Lord Banks's deep inside.

        He really did not expect that his eldest son, at such a time, could still be so sensible and objective, and had even revealed the truth of the matter that he wanted to shout out in his heart!

        This truth was: "I never wanted to ki ll my own granddaughter! The only person I wanted to kil l was Deana!"

        "But with John Garet and my own son all identifying me in the video, throwing all the blame and trumped up charges onto me alone, and with over a billion people across the country seeing it, I'm at a fucking loss to defend myself!"

        Human emotions are so subtle.

        Even if you have quite a preconception about someone, when you are not understood by anyone but this person, your attitude towards him is bound to change 180 degrees.

        Because he is your only confidant.

        Lord Banks felt this way at this moment!

        I didn't expect that the eldest son, who was least likely to understand him, would reveal the truth in one word, which not only touched him, but also surprised him in a few ways.

        Zayne's words were actually intentional.

        In his heart, he actually hated Lord Banks very much because, even if Zara really wasn't kil led by the old man, Xion would always have no more room for sophistry, right?

        Moreover, Zayne's own being put in a sh*tty position and thrown to Australia was also the work of the old man himself. Under such circumstances, the hatred for him in Zayne's heart would not have diminished in the slightest.

        However, he still cleverly hid all his negative emotions and showed complete understanding to the old man right from the start, which instantly won him over deep inside.

        The old master sighed and spoke, "Zayne, it's still you who understands me ...... Zara is my most beloved granddaughter, how could I possibly lay a cruel hand on her? This group of netizens outside are really confused! They just listened to the false accusations of villains!"

        He hurriedly added, "Right, Zayne, now that there are so many major incidents happening in the family, you can't stay in Australia alone and enjoy your happiness, hurry back and help Dad to tide over the difficult times!"

        As soon as Zayne heard the old man's words, his expression was worse than eating sh*t.

Chapter 2518

"The old man does have a way ...... of doing things."

        "Obviously he sent me to Australia and then disguised me under house arrest, now that he needs my help back, he even said that I am now enjoying my blessings in Australia, what the f*ck am I enjoying in this sh*tty place?"

        Although he thought so, Zayne immediately obeyed the old man's words and said, "Dad, I'm really sorry, I've been idle for a while, if you need me to go back to help, then I'm always at your disposal."

        Zayne wanted to go back, but he couldn't immediately take a stand and say, "If you need me, then I'll leave right now.

        Even if the old man had said the words to this extent, he still had to put the initiative in the old man's hands and say one last time that he was at his disposal at all times.

        In this way, on the one hand, he would appear to have absolute respect for the old master, and on the other hand, he would also appear to have a humble stance in front of the old master.

        In this way, it would also lower the old master's defensiveness towards himself.

        Hearing this, the old master really felt refreshed and said hurriedly, "In this way, I will have the plane prepared over in Australia, so you can hurry back as soon as possible!"

        After saying that, he added, "By the way, I plan to leave Eastcliff as soon as possible and go to Suhang to hide from the wind, otherwise, before dawn, I am afraid that both the police and the Thorne family will come to my door, and it will definitely be a big trouble then."

       Zayne hurriedly asked, "Dad, where do you plan to go when you leave Eastcliff?"

        Lord Banks said, "I want to go to Suhang, where we have a part of our property and a large estate.

        Zayne then asked, "Dad, should I fly to Eastcliff or Suhang?"

        "Let's fly to Suhang."Lord Banks said, "I'll take the helicopter to the airport after I hang up the phone, I can get to Suhang in about three hours, you can fly directly to Suhang later, I'll wait for you in Suhang."

        "Good!" Zayne immediately said, "Then I'll get ready right now."

       Lord Banks spoke, "Zayne, there are some things that dad has to do, you must not blame dad, especially the matter of Deana, dad also had no choice but to consider the reputation of the Banks family ......"

        Zayne did not hesitate to say, "Dad, don't worry, I understand you 100% on this point ......"

        The fact is that the woman, Deana, has not been able to forget about Bruce for so many years! She hasn't divorced me yet, and she went to Aurous Hill to buy the mansion where Bruce lived, which is a slap in the face of Zayne and the entire Banks family. Even if you don't want to solve this trouble, once I go back, I won't let her go!"

        After listening to this, Lord Banks said with great satisfaction, "Zayne, I am very pleased that you can have this kind of knowledge, worthy of being the son of the Banks family, in front of the big issues of right and wrong, you can see much more clearly than ordinary people!"

        Saying this, he continued, "It's getting late, you should hurry up and prepare, we'll talk about the details when you return."

        "Good." Zayne said respectfully, "Dad, you've been travelling all night, take care of your health!"

        "Okay, I know." Lord Banks answered, remembering something, he added, "Right Zayne, when the video first came out, Fitz came to my place and made a big fuss, then he disappeared, if he contacts you, you remember to apologize to him on my behalf, I, being a grandfather, do have a bit of a hot temper, tell him not to take it personally."

        Zayne really didn't expect that the old man would take the initiative to apologise to his son, so he hurriedly said, "Dad, Fitz just called me again, the biggest problem with this child is that he is not mature enough and has not encountered enough things, he is easily confused by the messages from the outside world, so he cannot see the essence of things. I will definitely bring him to you to kowtow in front of you when I return."

        Lord Banks was very satisfied with Zayne's words and said, "In that case, then I am relieved, you should hurry back, I will wait for you in Suhang!"